Saturday, November 14, 2009

What can I place in my garden to stop cats pooping on it?

Is there some type of powder I can use to stop cats from confusing the garden to a litter box? Will cayanne pepper keep cats way from doing this? Or is there something else that u guys would recommend instead.

What can I place in my garden to stop cats pooping on it?
Cats don't like citrus smells. You could try orange peel, cut into small pieces, then sprinkled on your garden. I know for a fact cats hate the smell of oranges. When i peel an orange my cat sits like 10 feet away from me making the weirdest faces. I've heard that cat's don't like the feel of aluminum foil. If your gardens not that big you could lay some down to deter your cat from relieving himself/herself there. Good luck.
Reply:Garden Gnomes.
Reply:Coolant for vehicle is like 'sweet' water for cats. Place some in your garden to help them crunch their thirst after they poop in your garden. It will give the owners of the cats hefty vet bills and eventually stop coming over for good. Just remember to keep it a secret. BTW is also poisonous to birds, racoon, rascals, mammals.

Ice cold 'Green' Kool Aid anyone?
Reply:I can't highly recommend the ED-209 model enough.
Reply:My Friend had a similar problem with squirrels digging in her flower bed. She took plastic forks and inserted them in the dirt with the tines just barely sticking up. She placed them all over in her flower bed. The squirrels did not like stepping on these pointy tines and found another flower bed to dig in. Could work for cats too. Good luck.
Reply:use black papper for one week, good for plants and bad for cats.
Reply:Moth ball I hear works, but I dont know lol its worth a try tho good luck! ;-)
Reply:a big a s s dog and alot of f u ckin poison..............maby put some bonfires around it....landmines are great....
Reply:Actually, other than stepping in it , cat poop is good fertilizer.. However, if you spray any kind of citric acid ( O.J. or lemon juice, diluted ) it will keep then away .. really, you can use it in the house to keep them from scratching the furniture also.
Reply:I've known people who have had success spraying some panther or wildcat urine around the area. They got it from some of the local zoos, but I don't know about your area. A little strong scent at first, but it tones down below what we can smell. Drives the smaller cats away quickly. You could also use some other large animal's urine if they're out.
Reply:Take clear plastic lemonade bottles fill with water ah remove labels place them all around the garden if you where the cat comes in be sure and place one there it is said cats do not like their reflection I have had three in my garden and seems to be working
Reply:A dog
Reply:moth balls just unde the soil so they don't stick out.

if it is really bad just spread the cayanne pepper and they will think twice before coming back.
Reply:you can buy a can of nono made by hartz white can purple letters. it can be used indoors or out it is made just for this find in the pet store or walmart

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