Friday, May 21, 2010

How do I make a garden statue look old?

I've been given a lovely garden statue but it looks very white against the other ornaments I have in my garden. How can I make it look older? Thanks

How do I make a garden statue look old?
sounds mad but rub it with natural live yoghurt. the bacteria will age it and encourage mould growth.
Reply:yes I've heard the yogurt thing but its gotta be the live one
Reply:Give it a coat of live yoghurt it does work.
Reply:Yes, the other answers are correct...

smother it with yoghurt; this will encourage weathering,
Reply:I have tried the live yougart thing ... but it did not work as well as other methods ... the best thing i found is to mix cow or horse manuer with peat and water ... at the rate of 50 % peat X 50 % cow or horse manuer ... with just enough water to make it sloppy ... then cover the whole of the ornaments and leave to dry ... don't brush it off ... leave it for the weather to do its work.
Reply:cover it with yogurt and leave to nature.
Reply:keep it for a long time......!
Reply:Smear it with live yogurt.
Reply:.soak some peat in water then rub onto statue leave for couple hours then rinse off or use dung
Reply:maybe sand it with sand paper
Reply:Perhaps a false beard and moustache?

Rub it all over with mud with a high organic and clay content. Leave for a while and wash off.
Reply:natural live yoghurt will encorage mould growth and help give it an aged look.
Reply:If you only have milk in the fridge splash the statue to be aged with it liberally and after a couple of days it will develop a mould.

This is the beginning of the aging effect and will get better with time if you want it to be really old just put more coats of milk on at 4 day intervals up to about two weeks and that should be all you need.

Good luck and happy aging.

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