The little rascals keep making massive mounds of earth in my garden. I wondered what the most effective method of extermination was. I'd like to keep costs to a minimum too, so can anyone advise me on how to make the best poison from household chemicals that kills moles but does not harm people? I'm sick of them, they are vermin and they are doing my head in big time. I have no interest in dealing with them humanely. I couldn't care less about their mental or psychological well being. I want them dead, d'ya hear? DEAD DEAD DEAD!!!!!
Many thanks.
What is the best way to exterminate garden moles?
dress like a big worm and wait at the edge of the hole when it comes to eat you ..grab it
Reply:Easiest solution: Meow. Or a rat terrier (woof). Either hunt rodents and do it so superbly, I have had no infestations.
You can try all the other methods, but they'll keep coming back. You basically need a long term solution. The cat idea comes from seeing her bat a new dead mole every morning one week.
Reply:They sell chemicals specifically for that.
Reply:Shot Gun ! actually my neighbour has got them and he is using some kinda chemicals
My neighbor had them in his garden. He covered all the holes but 2, he put a cage/trap over 1 and shoved a garden hose down the other one, turned hose on full blast and the little buggars came running out and, snap, right into the cage.
Reply:Lazy, cruel people like you are the reason this worlds in such a terrible state.
Reply:smoke them out
Reply:LOL you sound a wee bit stressed out, however I can tell you there are sites available with the info you need. I suggest the search tool, or google.
Reply:You can always take a long sharp butcher knife and poke down into the tunnels hoping to stab one of the little critters or you could kill their food source which is cut worms and grubs or you can put sticks of unchewed juicy fruit gum down in their tunnels and let them pig out until them explode. Any of these methods will kill the little varmits. Good luck!
Reply:You can get a sonic repeller which will keep them away far nore effectively than killing them!
Reply:O my God, you have my deepest sympathy!
We had them last year, and the were a blooming nightmare(would love to call them something stronger). I tried everything possible. Moth balls down the holes, soaking eucalyptus oil on cotton wall balls and putting that down the hole. Did searches on the net to see what suggestions they came up with, someone suggested putting pieces of juicy fruit chewing gum down the holes. I even stood with a large spade in my hands ready to bash the living daylights out of em. I was like a woman possessed. Eventually they started to invade the council football pitches/playing field at the bottom of our gardens and they got involved, don't exactly know what they put down but dogs had to be kept off of the area for a few days. They had to do whatever they did a couple of times to get rid of them. I along with my neighbour purchased (from a garden centre) a gadget (looks like a metal spike with a green top) works by batteries and it emits a sound that they don't like, I think it also vibrates, costs about £20.00 and I still have it in the garden. O yeah and I also got some the the kiddles windmill things on sticks and had them stuck in each hole as they apparently don't like the vibration they make when the wind blows. Someone at work said her husband poured petrol down the holes and set them alight, she said the garden looked like it was exploding. She also lent me some mole traps but I never got round to using them.
Hope the above helps and good luck
Reply:How can you consider killing an innocent creature, you should consider your own mental and psychological well being before theirs, it is not a good idea to mix household chemicals this can be a dangerous exercise.
Moles do not like noise and vibrations, try singing to them but dont kill them every creature has a right to a life!
Reply:Bury them alive
Reply:throw petrol over em have a handy zippo at the ready
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