Friday, May 21, 2010

Is it common to find salvia divinorum in garden shops?

we were looking at a pic while discussing the ban that's about to occur. and one of my friends swears she's seen that plant at a garden shop she used to work at. lol.

Is it common to find salvia divinorum in garden shops?
Many, many, salvias, many resemble one another, especially the square stems and leaves. Unlike it's colorful cousins S. divinorum rarely flowers (small violet colored) or sets seed. RScott
Reply:I haven't seen Salvia Divinorum in garden stores, but I wouldn't rule it out. Many other plants used as drugs such as Morning Glory are often found in nurseries. Salvia splendens is very easy to find in most garden stores. There are many other members of the Salvia family that aren't hallucinagenic at all. The most common is the herb Sage, and Chia Pets also grow a variety of salvia known as Salba.

There is a debate if S.Splendens has the same hallucinagenic effects as S. Divinorum or not. Most people agree that it is simply a placebo effect, although some people insist that there are different strains of S Splendens and only some are hallucinagenic. I believe the most widely regarded one is known as Fiery Ember or something like that.

Personally I have never been able to even find dried salvia extract in stores, and I've never tried ingesting it. I would love to be able to grow it fresh.

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