Friday, May 21, 2010

How can i stop cats from pooing in my garden and gravel?

Please someone help me i have a cat that keep cr****g in my garden and the gravel on the drive. I have tried animal repelant spray but it dosen't really work. Apart from setting a few traps!!!!! I dont know what else to do.

How can i stop cats from pooing in my garden and gravel?
Orange peel works a treat
Reply:Get a dog.
Reply:Moth balls are poisonous, so don't use them. Cats hate the smell of citrus. Take the rind of lemons or orange and grate them into the garden. Two great plants that play on a cats' sense of smell are Rue and Scardy Cat (Coleus Canina).

Many gardeners have had success repelling cats by placing dog hair clippings around areas where cats frequent.

Cats absolutely hate snakes. For years gardeners have had great success by repelling cats when using artificial snakes (go to the dollar store) and placing them in the garden.

Another option is to cut up an old hose into smaller lengths - these have the appearance of snakes and this is a great way at recycling.

Good luck!
Reply:Maybe ask the question to this company...they seems to be specialise in this type of problem.

"Submit a cat question between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday and we will answer you within two hours. If you send your question after 5pm we will get back to you first thing the next day."

Test us, if we fail we'll send you a large bar of chocolate!
Reply:You could try orange peel I use old cd as cats don't like looking at them self's doing there duty
Reply:It may sound silly, but a clear lemonade bottle on the middle of the lawn with half full of water, no fuss no trciks, for some reason they don't like it.
Reply:Lemon juice cats hate anything acidic in particular lemons so cut some lemons in half and scatter them around. It may take some time but it will work eventually. I have first hand experience of this method being successful and whilst I still get cats coming into my garden no longer do they scatch and leave horrible little presents in my garden.
Reply:I have a garden and gravel. My neighbors have the cats. We have the same problem. Here are a few ideas:

- Try another brand of spray and reapply after rainstorms

- Sprinkle red pepper and reapply after rainstorms

- Install an electric motion detection sonic cat repeller

- Install motion detection sprinklers

- Buy and plant several Coleus canina which are supposed to smell bad to cats (it is an annual in many climates so you may have to save seeds or buy new plants every year)

Good luck
Reply:You can get a motion sprinkler system. that you set to go off for desired animal height and it will shoot water at the cat to chase them out of the area.
Reply:pepper, "scent off" or if you can through water over them they hate that....... I have also been told of filling a plastic bottle with water and standing it in the garden. Cats see themselves and think it's another cat( not sure if this one works)
Reply:Go to a garden centre there are several products to help you
Reply:Sprinkle some moth ball crystals around the area where you don't want the cats to go.
Reply:I would advise you to get over yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:sprinkler system set off by movement...problem solved!!
Reply:Why would you set a trap!? How inhumane! Find out whos cat it is, and tell the owner.. don't kill the fricking thing!.. what an awful person you must be.
Reply:Pepper dust
Reply:Go to B%26amp;Q they do a sensor about £15 when the cat comes close it sends out a noise which we cant hear but the cat can they run off wont be a problem anymore. In the garden section
Reply:cajun pepper.
Reply:The products that say they repel cats do not work, or work well.

The only thing you can do is find the owner and explain to them it is there responsibility to keep a cat contained if they claim the cat as theirs. If they refuse or you can not find the owner and believe it is a stray then trapping and taking them to a shelter is all you can do.

I am surprised a cat is going on gravel, must be very fine gravel. Cats prefer to bury their leavings. Any chance it's a small dog?

Either way is sad, people need to take responsibility for their pets.
Reply:Don't know about a gun!

But you could get a water pistol. Cats hate water!!!
Reply:put moth balls down they dont like the smell
Reply:shoot them. get a dog
Reply:guard dog or a gun!
Reply:Get a gun.
Reply:Try a size ten.
Reply:get a big dog

dream theater

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