Monday, November 16, 2009

How do i keep cats off my garden?

can anyone advise me of the best way to keep cats off my garden? they are using my mud patches ( im trying to grow grass) as toilets and then scratching it all up!! thanks.

How do i keep cats off my garden?
Motion sensored sprinklers. My neighbor got one for the feral cats. I have a dog so they stay away!
Reply:Buy a large container of pepper ( black or red ) and sprinkle it out over the area. It will keep cats and squirrels away. You will have to renew it every week....but after a while they will not come back because they remember the nose burn they had before.

The pepper will not hurt your plants at go for it.
Reply:get a square meter or so of sand pitt sand and place it out of the way ,but somewhere the cats will notice it, and they will soon use this and leave your lawn alone , as cats can not resist the allure off a sand pitt.
Reply:I've got the same problem, i've tried the bottles of water and i've spent a fortune on the scardy cat detterent things that make a high pitched bleep when a cat or animal is in it's path but nothing seems to work!
Reply:Apparently bottles of water do it. Not sure how or why but it has certainly stopped my cat terrorising my neighbours' garden - which is good because they are lovely and he kept digging up their plants and trying to climb their washing...
Reply:I use the cheap cayanne pepper from the Dollar Store. Plastic forks buried, tines upward, will also make it uncomfortable for them to use.
Reply:Bring in a Dog (a big Bulldog ) and tie him up in your garden or even a small pekenese will do if you are on a budget
Reply:Buy yourself a shotgun, problem solved.
Reply:moth ball some moth balls and crush them sprinkle all around a lot of animals will stay away...cayenne pepper works too...just sprinkle it around
Reply:Plastic bottles (2ltr coke ones are good) filled with water worked for my neighbour. I'd just use claymore mines lol
Reply:Lemon wedges and pepper repell them cos they don't like the smell.
Reply:Crushed up mothballs.

They dont like the smell

Citrus has the same effect.
Reply:shoot it
Reply:Buy a dog
Reply:Buy a dog or a BB gun!
Reply:This product is great and here are some tips from the site

Tips for Repelling Cats

Cats can be a real nuisance around your garden and home. Whether they are your cats, your neighbors, or just wild cats roaming the neighborhood, cats can make real pests of themselves. In the process of digging in your flower beds, cats may destroy plants and seedlings. Cats often decide that your flower box or flower bed is the perfect litter box. The odor is annoying and the mess they leave behind is disgusting! Sometimes cats decide that your car hood is the perfect resting place and they don’t care about scratching your car in the process of jumping up and down. Whatever your cat problem, there are many ways to repel cats.

Methods used repel cats from your garden and flower bed

Make your garden or flower bed annoying to cats. Plastic forks (tines facing upward) wooden popsicle sticks or chopsticks can be pushed in the soil about 7 to 8 inches apart to keep cats from digging in your garden. The idea is not harm any cats, but to make the area “inconvenient” for digging. The sticks may be just enough to discourage their digging or you may have to experiment with just how many are enough. It can look unsightly and a more tolerable solution would be to sprinkle and/or spray the area with I Must Garden Dog %26amp; Cat Repellent. Cats just don’t like the botanical oils and other natural ingredients in our repellent and they’ll stay away.

Repel cats with plants

One herb that is particularly repelling to cats is rue (Ruta Graveolens). Rue is a semi-woody perennial that grows to about 2-3 high and wide. Rue has gray-green foliage and clusters of small yellow flowers in summer. It is hardy in zones 4-9. Rue prefers full sun and, once established, can grow in poor soils and hot dry sites. Rue will repel cats from the area in which it grows. In addition, you could sprinkle the leaves of dried rue in flower pots or other areas you would like to protect from cats. You could also spray your existing plants with I Must Garden Dog %26amp; Cat Repellent. It dries clear and won’t harm your plants and your cats will stay away!

cats with citrus

Cats don’t like the smell of citrus fruits, such and oranges and lemons. You may try scattering orange and lemon peels in your beds. You may have to experiment a little to see just how much and how often you will need to reapply the peels to keep cats away!

One other home remedy to repel cats that people have had success with is to sprinkle used coffee grinds in their garden. Once again, you would have to experiment on just how much would be satisfactory to repel cats.

Discourage cats from using your garden bed as a litter box

Let’s face it! The reason cats are in your garden to begin with, is that they like your soil. It’s the perfect place for them - but not for you. So in order to repel cats you have to make your soil less appealing to cats. There are several things you can do to keep cats out of your soil. You can add more plants to your garden which would eventually cover the exposed soil making it too much of a nuisance for cats to dig in. Covering your soil with chunky mulch, river rocks or attractive pebbles is another method used to keep cats out of garden beds. If you’ve recently seeded a flower bed, protect the bed with wire mesh or netting to hide the attractive loose soil from the cats.

Get a dog to repel cats

Unless raised together, most cats will stay away from dogs. Chances are if you have a dog roaming around the garden with you, you may not have a cat problem. One other technique that you may want to try, and certainly less time consuming and expensive than owning a dog, it to collect dog hair from friends who own dogs. Scatter the dog hair in the flowerbeds to repel cats.

Install a motion activated sprinkler

A motion activated sprinkler will harmlessly spray a cat when it passes in front of it. It will also spray mailmen and delivery men so you must be careful in directing the spray.

Throw water on cats

One way to get rid of cats from your garden is to keep cups or small buckets of water. When cats wander into your garden, you could fling the water at them. After several drenching, the cat just might get the message that you don’t want them in your garden.

Repel cats from trees

Cats will readily use young trees as scratching posts. To protect the trunks from cats, wrap the tree trunks in wire mesh or netting. Plastic tree guards may also be purchased to protect your trees.

Repel cats from ponds

Netting may have to be placed over a pond to keep cats away from fish. Netting should be checked regularly for rips and repaired as necessary.

Use I Must Garden Dog %26amp; Cat Repellent to keep cats out of your garden

I Must Garden Dog %26amp; Cat Repellent will give you the ammunition to keep cats out your garden – safely and effectively. Our Dog %26amp; Cat Repellent is available as both a spray and granular form. You may not find I Must Garden Dog %26amp; Cat Repellent offensive, but cats don’t like it at all!

Generously sprinkle I Must Garden Dog %26amp; Cat Repellent in your flower beds and pots and mix it into the soil. Spray the top of the soil with our ready to use spray formula for added protection and reapply as needed. Depending on your particular situation, Initial treatments may have to be heavier and frequent.

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